
澳门网上博彩官方网站 is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating the best practices of safety and security with technology. 综合安全计划的一个关键组成部分是安全摄像机系统的使用. The surveillance of public areas is intended to deter crime and assist in protecting the safety and property of the 澳门网上博彩官方网站 community. 这项政策在尊重和保护个人隐私的同时,解决了大学的安全和安保需求.

To ensure the protection of individual privacy rights in accordance with the university's core values and 州和联邦法律, 采用这项政策是为了使安装监视设备和处理的程序正规化, 查看, 保留, 传播, 以及销毁监控记录. The purpose of this policy is to regulate the 使用 of camera systems 使用d to observe and record public areas for the purposes of safety and security. 这一政策的存在并不意味着或保证摄像机将每天24小时实时监控, 一周七天. 大学支持在校园内使用摄像机,作为监控和维护学生校园安全的一种手段, 员工和客人.


作为学生生活办公室的一个单位,与机构技术(IT)一起工作, 有权选择吗, 协调, 操作, 管理, 并根据本政策监控所有校园安全监控系统. All 部门 using camera surveillance are required to 协调 surveillance operations through the Office of Student Life/Security and IT and comply with this policy in their respective operations. IT and the Office of Student Life are responsible for advising 部门 on appropriate applications of surveillance technologies and for providing technical assistance to 部门 preparing proposals for the purchase and installation of security camera systems.

These offices shall monitor developments in the law and in security industry practices and technology to ensure that camera surveillance is consistent with the best practices and complies with all federal and state laws.

The university will review proposals and recommendations for camera installations and review specific camera locations to determine that the perimeter of view of fixed location cameras conforms to this policy. IT and the Office of Student Life will review any complaints regarding the utilization of surveillance camera systems and determine whether this policy is being followed.

学生生活办公室将审查所有外部请求,以发布通过安全摄像头监控获得的记录. The university will seek consultation and advice from the General Counsel as needed related to these requests prior to the release of any records outside of the university. 视频监控记录一般不会向公众公布, 学生, 一般的员工, 家长或执法机构. The content of the video is a student and university record subject to administrative regulations regarding confidential student records. 在大多数情况下,只有那些具有合法教育或安全目的的人才可以观看视频. 例外情况-要求观看视频的人或人参与或服务于犯罪调查的目的, 违反行为准则, 严重影响校园安全或违反校园政策.


这项政策适用于所有人员, 澳门网上博彩官方网站各院系在使用安全摄像头及其视频监控和记录系统. Security cameras may be installed in situations and places where the security and safety of either property or persons would be enhanced. 摄像头将被限制在不违反法律规定的对隐私的合理期望的情况下使用. 在适当的情况下,摄像头可以放置在校园内,建筑物内外. 尽管物理摄像机可能是相同的, 这些相机的功能主要分为三大类.

A. Property Protection: Where the main intent is to capture video and store it on a remote device so that if property is reported stolen or damaged, 视频中可能出现了罪犯. 例如:一个无人的计算机实验室,一个无人的科学实验室,或者一个停车场.

B. 个人安全:主要目的是捕捉视频并将其存储在远程设备上,这样如果有人受到攻击, 视频中可能出现了罪犯. 例如:公共人行道或停车场.

C. Extended Responsibility: Where the main intent is to have the live video stream in one area monitored by a staff member in close proximity. 在这种情况下,可能录制视频,也可能不录制视频. 例如:一个计算机实验室有多个房间,但只有一个工作人员.


从摄像头获取的信息只能用于校园政策的执行, 包括, 在适当的地方, 学生司法职能或协助当地执法和校园/当地犯罪. 必须以适当的安全级别处理信息,以防止未经授权的访问, 变更, 或披露.

All appropriate measures must be taken to protect an individual’s right to privacy and hold university information securely through its creation, 存储, 传输, 使用, 和删除.




The locations where cameras are installed may be restricted access sites such as a departmental computer lab; however, 这些地方并不是一个人对隐私有合理期望的地方. 摄像头的设置将最大限度地保护个人隐私.

不得录音. 照相机的位置和住宅的视野应受到限制. 住宅设施的视野不得违反合理期望隐私的标准.

除非摄像头被用于刑事调查, 禁止在以下地点安装监控摄像头:

  • 浴室
  • 学生宿舍房间在学生宿舍
  • 更衣室
  • 不用作实验室的教室


确切位置, number and function of all cameras will generally be considered confidential for security purposes and not be released to the general public, 客人或员工.


All recording or monitoring of activities of individuals or groups by college security cameras will be conducted in a manner consistent with university policies, 州和联邦法律, 并且不会基于受试者的个人特征, 包括年龄, color, 残疾, 性别, 国家的起源, 比赛, 宗教, 性取向, 或者其他受保护的特征. 此外, 所有记录或监控将由专业人员进行, 道德, 法律方式. 所有能接触到大学监控摄像头的人员都应该接受有效的培训, 法律, 以及监控设备的道德使用.

University security cameras are not generally monitored continuously under normal operating conditions but may be monitored for legitimate safety and security purposes that include, 但不限于, 以下是:高风险地区, 限制进入的地区/地点, 响应警报, 特别活动, 维护目的, 由教务处或指定人员授权的职能目的和具体调查.

当事件被报告时, 负责该地区的工作人员可以要求学生生活办公室审查摄像头拍摄的图像. 根据情况需要,学生主任可以授权其他人查看图像. 对所有查阅和使用记录材料的情况,应保留记录日志.


禁止人员使用或传播从大学安全摄像头获取的信息, 除官方用途外. All information and/or observations made in the 使用 of security cameras are considered confidential and can only be 使用d for official college and law enforcement purposes upon the approval of the Dean of 学生 or designee. 员工应了解并遵守这一政策.


在刑事调查中可以使用移动或隐藏的录像设备. Covert video equipment may also be 使用d for criminal investigations of specific instances which may be a significant risk to public safety, 由学生处主任或指定人员授权的安全及财产.


此政策不适用于用于学术目的的相机. 用于研究的照相机, 通信, class projects or Communication’s department organizations would be governed by other policies involving human subjects and are, 因此, 本保单不包括在内.


本政策不涉及使用学生/员工个人摄像头和网络摄像头, 视频录制事件, 大学一般使用的直播. 这项政策也不适用于使用录像设备记录公共表演或活动, 面试, 或其他用于广播或教育目的. 这种被排除在外的活动包括对体育赛事进行录像以供赛后回顾, 音乐会的录像, 戏剧, 和讲座, 现场直播活动或录影采访的人. 使用摄像头的自动柜员机也不受此政策限制.




各个大学, 部门, 项目, or campus organizations installing video surveillance equipment shall submit a written request to their appropriate dean or vice president describing the proposed location of surveillance devices, 证明建议安装的合理性, 提供成本估算, 确定购买和持续维护的资金来源. 预算委员会或理事会将审查申请,并将其推荐给学生生活和信息技术办公室, 如果合适的话. These two groups will be responsible for re查看 and approving or denying all proposals for security camera equipment recommended by the Office of Student Life or other 部门.

IT shall oversee the installation of all approved security camera systems with the assistance of the Office of Student Life and Facilities, 根据需要.


摄像机控制操作人员应接受技术培训, 法律, 以及适当使用相机的道德规范. Camera control operators shall receive a copy of this policy and provide written acknowledgment that they have read and understood its contents.


视频监控将以符合所有现有大学政策的方式进行.  监控人员应根据可疑行为进行监控,而不是根据个人特征进行监控.  摄像控制人员不得透过窗户查看私人房间或区域. 所有参与视频监控的操作人员和管理人员将按照本政策履行职责. 滥用标准操作政策或不适当的相机控制操作将导致纪律处分.


不得试图更改任何监控记录的任何部分. Surveillance centers and monitors will be configured to prevent camera operators from tampering with or duplicating recorded information.

All surveillance records shall be stored in a secure location for a period of 14 days and will then promptly be erased or written over, 除非作为刑事调查或法庭程序(刑事或民事)的一部分而保留, 或经教务处批准的其他善意用途. 个别部门不得存放视频监控录像.

应保存查看或使用监视记录的所有情况的日志. 日志应包括获准访问的人员的日期和身份.